The People’s Commission on The Water Sector
In October 2024 the government launched an independent commission on the English and Welsh water systems. While we welcome such an initiative, we are concerned that the remit of the government’s commission is restricted in two main ways:
The scope is limited to improving regulation of the current system rather than considering alternative models of water provision, or providing solutions to ensure we have a robust sustainable and resilient water system.
Participation in the government’s commission is limited to stakeholders within the sector with little scope for involvement from the public who use water services and whose bills finance the entire water sector.
The People’s Commission, led by four academics from UK universities, aims to broaden the scope of the government commission, with public meetings in local venues across England. We will take evidence from sector experts and water users, and draw on international experience to devise policy options for a sustainable, equitable and effective water system.
The People’s Commission is accountable to the public. It will work in public, with its inquiry sessions taking place in local venues across England, hosted by local people. The People’s Commission will mirror the timescales of the Government Commission reporting in quarter 2 2025.
In addition to the public sessions, we welcome written evidence statements, using our email address at the bottom of tis page. These will all be published on our website.
About The People’s Commission
Our Vision
The People’s Commission is ambitious for a water system that is commensurate with a developed country, that secures our water quality, and that ensures our supply and sewage treatment is resilient in the context of our population and climate, and where water bills deliver clean water for our rivers, lakes and seas. In this respect this People’s Commission shares the government’s vision.
We have considerable analysis of the problem over years of campaigning. The People’s Commission will be solution focused, facing immediate and future problems.
We know this is possible. Other countries have water systems that provide better quality affordable water outcomes that are resilient for the future.
You can learn more about the People’s Commission here
The People’s Commission Panel
Dr Kate Bayliss
Kate Bayliss is a Research Associate with the Department of Economics at SOAS and a member of the Centre for Water and Development. She has worked extensively on privatisation, financialisation and social equity, in the UK and the global South. Her particular research interest is in the shifting paradigms surrounding private sector engagement in the provision of essential infrastructures and in meeting basic needs.
Prof Frances Cleaver
Frances Cleaver is Chair in Political Ecology at Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University. Frances has a strong interest in promoting more just and sustainable water governance. She specialises in researching how institutions for collective action (such as community groups, water associations, farmer groups,) emerge, how they work, and how they can be more effective. She sees the need for paying more attention to the interface between water users and water providers as this is critical to how services are actually delivered and experienced. Frances has worked on the planning, implementation and evaluation of water and development programmes in many countries, primarily in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Recently, after encountering river campaigns in England and France, she has started working on the productive possibilities of sharing knowledge between organisations, campaigns and initiatives in different contexts.
Prof Becky Malby FRCGP[Hon]
Professor Becky Malby is a Visiting Professor in health systems leadership and innovation at York University, London South Bank University and Huddersfield University. She was until recently a non-executive at West Yorkshire NHS Integrated Care Board. She is an honorary fellow of the Royal College of General Practice. She has made sustained and demonstrable impact through her work on the quality of health services with global reach. Becky is the Chair of the Ilkley Clean River Group, Founder of the Sewage Campaign Network, the Ilkley Pool and Lido Community Group, and the leader of the Ilkley Free School Meals provision. She secured the first river with Bathing Status and the Ilkley campaign has lead to circa £60m investment to clean up the river. She is a vociferous campaigner delivering government, regulator and the water industry’s responsibility to them.
Prof Ewan McGaughey
Ewan McGaughey is a Professor of Law who specialises in law, economics and history. He joined King's full time in 2014, and holds degrees from King’s, the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and the LSE. Prof McGaughey is also a visiting professor at the Grantham Institute, LSE, and a research associate at the University of Cambridge, Centre for Business Research. He has held visiting positions at the University of California, Berkeley in 2016, Fukuoka University in 2017, and the University of Sydney in 2019. He is particularly interested in law’s social role, and its consequences for equality, fairness and justice. Ewan has been working pro bono advising campaign organisations on the law as it applies to sewage pollution.
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